(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

Arona napisał/a:

Ja pierdziu, filmiki z youtuba niszczą system... Ale muszę powiedzieć, że podziwiam pana Toma z Austrii za upór i konsekwencję w bronieniu tego shitu.

Konsekwencję w bronieniu nowych nartow, nie styłu !!


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

hugo napisał/a:

j...wyglada to smiesznie
...staro oldschoolowo ---

hugo, Raxski  is just a gear, not a style !

Style is to be developed yet.
Surely not a uniform style, rather several styles for
- soft moguls
- hard steep couloirs
- groomed piste
- heavy wet snow
- powder
- etc

But try to imagine: what will come after new school ?
new new school or no school ?

Nothing can remain NEW for a long time.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

Tommy napisał/a:

ale gówno....może gadżet by się spodobał na jakimś forum miłośników bigfootów

Hi, Tommy.
Believe me, this extreme ski


has nothing common with big foot!

His spiritual parent is the underground ski from Tirol
called "Firngleiter".  (firn glider, Firn = corned snow in the Spring).
For 60 years rural Tiroler were cutting off skis
to be used in May to July
to ride down steep corned snow slopes
in the fall line.

The whole Rax invention is a child of
this hidden Tiroler custom.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

łyżwa napisał/a:

TOM you can write what you want but video speaks for itself. rax is shit

There are 2 videos: older one on hard and 45° steep surface,
                             a new one in heavy old snow, partially > 40°. No piste in both cases.
                             The line driven was a fall-line with frequent light turns.
Do you really think anybody with carving or all-mountain skis
would make it in the same trace at the same speed ?

Well, I am not talking about the beauty of the style.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

Jasiu 3city napisał/a:

Cytat z forum, do którego tom sam podał link

"these skis are obviously derived from the mad austrian "firngleiters", very short skis that you can still see around the local hills in the late spring ...

Czyli jednym slowem to jakies dziwaczne gówno,...

Your problem, Jasiu 3city, is just that you know "gówno" about skiing.
"Firngleiter" is a genuine Austrian short ski having at least 70 years tradition.
It can descend extremely steep couloirs you`ve never dreamed of.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

Jasiu 3city napisał/a:

"  #20    10-25-2007, 12:21 PM 
_   Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 328 

these skis are obviously derived from the mad austrian "firngleiters", very short skis that you can still see around the local hills in the late spring when theres a lot of soft corn snow around. with those inventions of devil you can only control your speed by leaning backwards which makes the tails dig in to the snow (the tails are usually very short or non-existant). people using those can be seen in bigger groups, following each other around the hill and creating upwards of 50cm deep runnels..

you can imagine my bewildernment during my first season here in austria when i slightly hungover dragged myself the local hill for some afternoon corn skiing and noticed that i was the ONLY person with normal skis on the hill. i hadnt seen "firngleiters" before and i had no fucking idea what they were, but everyone had these ancient looking metal things attached to their feet, and all of them were chuckling at my amusement. as i mentioned earlier the way you ski those is to point them straight down the fall line and dig in the tails, and then just hope that the speed wont get too high. now imagine about 50 austrians screaming and jodling while coming down some quite steep chutes with no control at all.. oh the horror "

Tak jest.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

łyżwa napisał/a:

jak ktoś pokaże mi jak tym sie jeździ na switchu to stawiam halbe

Everything is possible in a park with the Rax ski
except for riding or landing "fakie" (=backwards).
Rax likes half pipes and steep walls.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

wojar napisał/a:

łyżwa mocno poleciał ale sens jest dobry - ile ten wynalazek ma z nart w sobie? skoro jeździ i skręca się inaczej

jak zobaczę filmik na którym jakiś pro wygrywa na tych nartach zawody albo robi super linie to może zacznę zastanawiać się czy kiedyś się na nich nie przejechać

wojar, Rax ski is just an
"easy turning vehicle with excellent snow grip"
having no tradition.
You can create a style for Rax
or use Rax like any other "carver" or all "all mountain ski".

Rax is generally shorter than a regular ski and therefore slower,
it could win only steep slalom race.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

Gnali napisał/a:

co za patent....

Avstrijki patent "Alpinski mit Finnen"

Here is the promised marriage between the "carver technology" and the "rax technology":


The result is a "Rax light" as an opposite to previous "Rax brutal".
Tested last weekend in Obertauern on hard piste with fresh snow piles.
The ski beauty (150 cm) can "carve" and "rax" in a very fine way.


(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

drozd napisał/a:

dzikie to, tylko kto na tym bedzie jezdził.



(177 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt Freeski & Freeride)

BART napisał/a:

buhahahha jak nie rozumie to niech sie nauczy! zwierzu mowi we wszystkich jezykach swiata

BART, Tom from Austria nie mowi we wszystkich jezykach swiata.
On rozumie polski, do pieruna.